Training Data

Style used: LIMA method

Drive (scale of 1 to 10): Ball: 9 Flirt Pole: 8 Tug: 5 Chase: 3

Toys: retriever play style. Likes to hold things and run with them. Not big on tug but will lick your hands for any toy.

Treats: Chicken Thinkers! She has been started on Chicken Thinkers as her alert reward. These are her drug!

Tools: Herm Sprenger 2.25 Steel Fursaver and prong, leather flat collar, FOB Educator working level 6.

Commands: sit, down, stay, come, heel, recall, leave it, place, wait, kennel. She searches with “let’s go”.

Prospective Disciplines: detection work. UV is a natural-born detection dog. She has incredible search drive, natural bark alert, and visible frustration when she identifies her reward and can not have it. Easy to build drive, excellent stamina for a puppy.

Ideal Match: experienced detection handler. We would prefer to see UV used in Search and Rescue work, as we believe she has the talent to become a FEMA-rated dog. Would be open to rehoming her to a nosework competitor as well.

Personality Quirks

Stranger Tolerance: friendly and rude! She’s a jumper and a licker! This behavior is 99% controlled but she does have instances where she gets too excited and can’t control her tongue and front legs.

Children: friendly (she jumps and licks if not directed to “leave it”).

Dog Tolerance: high. She is rude and pushy! She’s a face licker and stalker. Not ideal for homes with selective dogs.

Cat Safe: good with cats.

Prey Safe: not yet tested (will be trained).

Containment Style: wire crate or Dakota Kennel.