Book a class.

Our training classes are for everyone. Use your membership, buy a pass, or pay as you go. You must be registered 24-hours prior to class time and submit vet records in the booking portal.

Current classes:

  • Puppy I-Dogs under 8 months. Working walking with a loose lead, greeting manners, and ignoring distractions.

  • Puppy II-Dogs will have completed Puppy I or tested out. Dogs under 8 months. Basic obedience (sit, stay, come, heel, leave it).

  • Beginner I-Dogs over 8 months. Working on distractions, focus on the owner, loose leash walking, and greeting manners.

  • Beginner II-Dogs will have completed Beginner I or tested out. Basic obedience (sit, stay, come, heel, leave it).

  • Intermediate I-Dogs will have completed Beginner II or tested out. Intermediate obedience (down-stay, wait, recall from 10 feet, food refusal).

  • Intermediate II/Advanced I-Dogs will have completed Intermediate I or tested out. Obedience (20 feet recall, down-stay from gallop, off-leash competition-style heel, item retrieval, basic jump).

  • Advanced II-Dogs will have completed Advanced I or tested out. Invite only. Prep class for BH, AKC CGCA, agility, PSA, etc.

  • Leashed Wild Adventure-Hiking manners course. Dogs will learn to ignore wildlife and pass dogs and strangers without fuss. Dogs to be leashed at all times.

  • Unleashed Wild Adventure-Off-leash manners course for hiking/camping. Dogs MUST be screened for behavior prior to attending. Dogs will learn to recall, and ignore wildlife, strangers, and dogs.

  • Urban Adventure-For developing manners and confidence in public areas such as breweries, pet stores, patio restaurants, etc.

  • Public Access-For service dog handlers only. Only service dogs in training are permitted. The class teaches public access manners and skills.

  • Bite Club-Please contact us before signing up. You are welcome to come out and watch but please do not sign up for this course without chatting with us first.